Dear Diary - Will You Run My Business For Me?

Yes. Yes we will.

The GlowdayPRO Diary is powerful.

It’s intuitive. It’s clever. It’s fierce. It’s fun. It’s fresh. It’s what your aesthetics business needs.

The GlowdayPRO Diary is your new BFF, a free virtual assistant for your business and the-can't-live-without widget that all aesthetics clinics need. 

The diary function on GlowdayPRO has been built in collaboration with aesthetic practitioners just like you. They have fed us their ideas, needs, wants and wishes to ensure we create a diary function that meets the unique needs of aesthetic clinics and exceeds all of your expectations!

The result is the GlowdaPRO Diary and we know it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. So move over all other online booking systems, there’s a new diary in town and it’s here to shake things up!

Reviews Collected For You!

Every single patient who is booked in your GlowdayPRO Diary will be asked to leave you a review. We do this automatically 24hrs after a treatment is completed, and a further reminder five days later. It can feel awkward to ask your patients to leave you a review but with the Glowday PRO Diary you don’t have to. In fact, you don’t have to do anything! Our clever system knows when the treatment has been completed and fires off an email asking your patient to write a review. This is then automatically uploaded to your profile for prospective patients to read and love (and then feel compelled to book in with you!).

Automatic Text & Email Reminders

All patients are sent text messages and email reminders about their appointment with you. You don’t have to schedule these, you don’t have to press any buttons. It just happens automatically as soon as an appointment is confirmed. We guarantee you’ll see fewer late cancellations and no-shows! 

No show & late cancel protection

There’s always a few isn’t there? The patients who are always cancelling, forgetting or who just don’t bother turning up. By using the GlowdayPRO Diary for all of your appointments, we can collect fees for you to mitigate this loss of time and money. You simply set your charges for late cancellations and no-shows and if it happens we collect the money for you and transfer it to your bank account. You don’t have to worry about it, it just happens. Ta da! And you don’t have to ask clients for deposits. Perfect!

Flexible Scheduling

The GlowdayPRO Diary is unique as new patients and your existing patients have direct access to it. At a glance they can see when you’re available and can book themselves in directly. They don’t need to message you, they don’t need to ring you. People simply choose their treatment and a time and date that works for them. 

You are in complete control of your diary. You can set your hours and block out hours. You can overlap appointments, set review appointments, receive online bookings and use your diary on every device (phone, iPad, laptop)  with a single log in.

Patient Account Area

The beauty of the Glowday PRO Diary is that it also gives your patients a secure account area.  This means they can easily manage their appointments, rebook if they need to and even complete all of their treatment and medical history forms which are automatically saved for you to view prior to the appointment. You don’t even have to ask them to complete the forms, we do that for you!  Imagine that. Magic! No emailing, no messaging, no faffing before the treatment. It all just happens, meaning less hassle and way less admin for you. Not only does this help you manage your time, it also helps with your reputation and brand image. It gives your patients a slick, modern and professional experience. They’ll be impressed how nice ‘your’ system is to use and how easy the process has been for them. You’ll get an even better review!

The GlowdayPRO Diary is the key to unlock the door to hundreds of new patients. The more your diary is used for appointments, the more reviews you receive. The more reviews you receive, the higher up your profile appears on Every day,  thousands of people are searching, researching and booking treatments on and you can attract them to book with you just by using something you actually need… it’s a no-brainer, surely? 

It’s like no other diary out there - not only does it help you manage your clinic and give patients a great experience, it becomes the rocket fuel to elevate your business to new levels. There is no other diary software out there that not only manages appointments, sends reminders and collects reviews, but also introduces you to future patients. What other system does your marketing for you?

Sounds too good to be true? The proof is in the pudding. Sign up for the free trial here. There is no obligation.  You’ve got nothing to lose! 


A Clinic Management System - With Extra Spice!


Online Booking Systems: More Than A Nice-To-Have