How to collect MORE fabulous REVIEWS
You probably don’t collect as many reviews as you should. You’re not alone. Most practitioners don’t.
You forget to ask
You feel embarrassed to ask
You’ve not automated the ask
Reviews are often an after-thought. A nice-to-have, rather than an essential part of the patient journey. Something you wish you had more of when you’re trying to put together a social media post!
When you get one, you get a little flutter of excitement! It makes you feel happy and content that you’ve helped someone, but they’re not something you have processes in place to collect and publish. You know you should, but you don’t really actively collect them.
But you absolutely should.
Reviews are fundamental
Crucial. We know, thanks to a huge amount of market research carried out by huge organisations that analyse how people buy things, reviews are a key factor in the decision making process for consumers. They can, quite simply, make or break a business.
The numbers will vary slightly depending on what specific market research report you read, but the overall conclusions are that reviews are REALLY important for business.
90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business
88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
For nearly 9 in 10 consumers, an online review is as important as a personal recommendation
Customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with “excellent” reviews
72% say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more
92% of users will use a local business if it has at least a 4-star rating
72% of consumers will take action only after reading a positive review
Reviews In The Aesthetics World
Reviews in aesthetics are major.
97% of women we questioned deem reviews and before and after photos as important or very important when choosing a practitioner. In fact, most people will NOT book a practitioner if they have no, or few, reviews. They will simply move on to one who has.
They are the digital equivalent of 20 best friends all recommending the same person.
It makes sense right? The one thing patients need and want to know is if they can trust you. Can they trust you with their face? Will you be safe? Is your clinic nice? Do you know what you’re doing? Will you look after them? Are you actually good? Are you nice? Your reviews can convey ALL of these things.
Your qualifications and experience will satisfy a part of the rational element of their decision making process, they’ll see - at a glance - that it all looks proper and sounds impressive. But it’s social proof that seals the deal.
When we are uncertain of what to do, we typically look to others for guidance about what we should do. Even better is if more people are providing that guidance.
When people are choosing a practitioner for a particular treatment. they are looking for evidence from others that they can trust you, that you deliver a great, safe experience and the outcome of any treatment is amazing. They want to see the photos and check your work. Reviews help build credibility, authenticity and trust. And they help your potential patients make informed decisions. They are an important marketing asset.
It’s easy for a new patient to choose you if they can read what your existing patients think about you AND can see examples of your work.
“Ooo, they have loads of great reviews! Their patients love them. Look how many stars they have. Their work looks really natural. They must be REALLY good. And they’re a nurse with loads of training. I’m booking in!”
Why Is It So Difficult To Collect Reviews In Aesthetics?
It can be difficult collecting reviews for aesthetic practitioners for a few reasons:
Most practitioners don’t like asking - it can feel awkward and a little embarrassing. So many just don’t bother. At least not consistently.
It’s more admin - it’s another thing you have to remember to do. And you have to chase, as people forget.
It’s a faff for patients - they have to remember to leave the review, they have to log in to the relevant platform, leave the review. Leaving a review often falls to the bottom of someone’s to do list.
Some patients don’t want to be outed - the issue with reviews on Facebook or Google is that you can’t leave them anonymously. Your name, and often photo, is there, right next to the review. Some don’t want the world to know they have a little “help”, so regardless of how pleased they are with you, your service and their results, they’ll not leave that review.
How Does GlowdayPRO Make Collecting Reviews Easy?
As soon as a treatment is complete, and the forms have been signed, a review invite email is triggered to be sent to your patient.
The day after their treatment, your patient gets an email inviting them to leave you a review. Reminders are also sent 7 and 14 days later, if they’ve not penned their praise!
They leave the review within the email. They don’t need to log in…just open the email, select a star rating and type out their comment. Then click SUBMIT.
It’s really easy for them to complete, and fairly soon after they’ve had the treatment so it’s fresh in their minds and they’re feeling peak happy (hopefully).
Nearly 40% percent of these requests convert into reviews. This is very high. The industry average is around 8%. And we guarantee that it’s far higher than you asking them in the clinic or trying to manage it yourself!
GlowdayPRO is the only aesthetics software to automate the collection and publishing of genuine, verified patient reviews.
Reviews Win You New Patients
The review is automatically published to your booking page, right next to where people click to book in…increasing the conversion to booking!
Not only that, but the more reviews you have, the further up the Glowday search results you rank when people search for treatments with practitioners near them. The higher you rank, the more new patients will book you.
It’s very slick!
What’s more, Google also recognises these reviews and indexes them on its search results, so when anyone comes looking for you in Google, all of your lovely reviews will appear - ta da! Actual magic.
GlowdayPRO practitioners have collected over 17,000 genuine, verified patient reviews!
Reviews are collected and published automatically.
Reviews That Count
GlowdayPRO reviews are unique. They can’t be faked or gamed. For each review we know:
The patient
The practitioner
The treatment
The appointment details
The value of the transaction
This means we can be utterly confident that when new patients are reading reviews they are genuine and authentic.
This isn’t a ‘get a load of mates to write a good review’ situation. Nobody can fool the GlowdayPRO system.
Google, Facebook, TrustPilot and SaveFace allow anyone to leave a review, or even allow the practitioner to fake their own reviews. Some platforms have a policy to only publish good reviews too - this doesn’t help patients make informed decisions.
Simply using GlowdayPRO to manage your bookings, patient records and forms, you’re instantly receiving the added bonus of a review system, without having to do anything else!
Words That Turn Into Money
Reviews do so much more than provide a feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction. Sure, they do make you feel warm and fuzzy and remind you it’s all worth it. They’re the soul of your business. But they’re far more powerful than this alone. Reviews single-handedly have the potential to make you more profitable and more successful. Don’t underestimate the potential of reviews, they are an almighty sales tool.
Find out what else GlowdayPRO can do for you business right here.