“It’s Really Positive to Have a Place Just for Medical Aesthetics”

What do aesthetic practitioners love about Glowday, and what drives them to sign up to our platform? We spoke to Jess Halliley (Your Beauty Doctor) to find out about why she joined, and her experience with Glowday, so far.

Hi Jess! When did you first come across Glowday, and what made you decide to join?

I think I first came across Glowday on social media through an Instagram live video with another practitioner. I thought that using the platform would be a good way to get more footfall.

Glowday had the same outlook as me on making sure people were medically qualified and had all the appropriate legislation behind them. Also, I liked that they were promoting the idea of safety in aesthetics at the same time. It’s a great way to network with other practitioners too and be part of a community. You work so independently in this job that it’s nice to be able to meet new colleagues.

How was the process of setting up your Glowday profile?

Very easy! It’s really straightforward and doesn’t take long at all. I think it took about half an hour from getting started to being set up. I copied across my profile bio from my website and amended it a little, and it doesn’t take long to go through and add in treatments. I had my own photos at first, but then I got the professional photos done through Glowday and was really pleased with the result.

It’s really easy to get hold of the team if you need help or are stuck - they’re always happy to answer any questions.

What are the main benefits of being on Glowday that you’ve found, so far?

I’ve been using Glowday as my booking system so, if anyone books in, I send them the Glowday link so they can put their card details in. That’s been really useful as it means I have a payment system and a way for clients to leave reviews too.

It’s a great platform and it’s about time that the aesthetics industry got recognised as being separate to beauty - because it is. It’s only just happening, but hopefully Glowday will help with this on a larger scale. It’s really positive to have a place just for medical aesthetics, and I think it will be a great platform for people who are thinking about getting aesthetic treatments but are, perhaps, on the fence about it. When they see that they can easily browse and look at verified reviews, it will give them that confidence to book in.

Most of my friends are already on Glowday, but I’ve had a few people ask me about it and I’ve always said that I’d recommend it.

Ah that's great! Are there any other features you’d like to see on Glowday that aren’t currently available?

I’d love there to be a deposit option on Glowday. I find that so many people cancel just before the 48 hour window, which is so frustrating. People might book in with you two months in advance for, say, £1000 worth of treatments, but then they’ll cancel just before the deadline and will say they found it somewhere cheaper. Things like that happen a lot in aesthetics, so, personally, I would love to have a deposit option that you could opt in for if you wanted to, for cases like that. The main reason for this is that you block out quite a lot of time for treatments, and 48 hours isn’t enough to replace that time and money if an appointment is cancelled. People don’t tend to book these types of treatments at the last minute - they tend to be more thought out and planned further in advance. So, if I get cancellations at the last minute, I’m not usually able to fill them.

At the moment, you can also only book one treatment at a time, which is frustrating, so if someone books three treatments, you can only send the details out one at a time, which confuses people. But if I’ve ever had suggestions, Hannah and the team listen and always try to do something about it, which is nice.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience, Jessica! We're so pleased to have you on board.

Fancy seeing the amazing benefits of Glowday for yourself? Find out more here or contact our clinic onboarding superstar Leigh on leigh.gardner@glowday.com or 07376047260


Glowday Has Made My Life Much Easier!


“Joining Glowday has been the best business experience I’ve ever had”