Fed up of late cancels & no-shows?

Flaky patients affect your productivity, profits and mindset. Here are three ways to fend off flaky patients and protect yourself from late cancels and no-shows.

  1. Have a robust and reasonable late cancel and no-show policy

    e.g. Glowday Aesthetics Clinic Cancellation and No-show policy.

    Cancellation - any booking cancelled within 48 hours of the appointment will incur a £50 cancellation fee.

    No-show - any no-show will incur a £75 cancellation fee.

  2. Communicate your late cancel and no-show policy clearly

    This should be done at point of booking, confirmation and ahead of the late cancellation period. You could also share it on your website and social media.

  3. Send multiple, timely appointment reminders

    A combination of email and text works best. At point of confirmation, a few days before the appointment - to give them the opportunity to reschedule (without being hit with a fee) and 24 hours before the appointment.

It’s important that you implement your policies.

If the policy is reasonable and you’ve communicated it clearly to your patients, implementing it is the only way to protect your time and revenue.

GlowdayPRO does all of this for you.

Why not book a demo with me? I can show you how GlowdayPRO works to make life easier for you and your patients.

Han x


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