The Best Aesthetics Software? We Think So…Here’s Why!

Most patient record systems are just that - a means by which you can sort out your documentation. Some have online booking and the ability to email forms to patients, but primarily they are designed for record keeping.

GlowdayPRO is different.

It’s a single platform designed to help run and grow your aesthetics business…automatically. Just by using it!

It’s the only aesthetic booking and patient record software that has been built specifically to help you to not only keep and maintain patient records, but it is the only platform which actively markets your aesthetic business.

Here are just a few ways GlowdayPRO is better and different to standard patient record and online booking systems:

1. Your Own Branded Online Booking Page

Standard online booking links do little to actively increase conversion to booking. They are functional, but are bland, typically only allowing patients to choose a location, clinician, treatment, date and time.

GlowdayPRO provides all practitioners with a branded online booking page.

This is better and different to standard online booking because it gives patients all the information they are looking for all in one place.

Why have we built the online booking feature in this way?

We know that aesthetic treatments are a more considered booking compared to booking beauty treatments. They are more invasive with higher associated risks, which means that patients spend a great deal of time in the research phase. During this phase they are gathering evidence to determine who they can trust.

The GlowdayPRO branded booking page is designed to showcase you, your clinic, your work, your reviews and your credentials, providing all the information patients are looking for deciding who they should trust with their face.

Here are a few examples of GlowdayPRO branded online booking pages.

Dr Sam Al-Jafari

Mary Munro

Cheryl Cain

By providing patients will all the heuristics which help patients make the decision to book, helping patients choose you, increasing conversion to booking.


Most aesthetics software requires forms to be emailed to patients ahead of the appointment. With some platforms this can be automated, with others, you have to remember to send the forms manually.

There are a few issues with emailed forms.

  • They often end up in junk, particularly if the email domain doesn’t have high authority.

  • If the email address isn’t verified, typos mean that the forms aren’t sent to the right patient.

  • Email isn’t particularly secure, especially when sending sensitive health information.

GlowdayPRO does forms differently.

As soon as the patient books their appointment, forms are made available to them in their secure patient portal. Patients can access, view and update their forms from their account at any time.

You can also view a patients forms at any time and if they’ve not completed them, there’s a handy button that resends reminders to your patients.

Review Collection

GlowdayPRO automatically collects genuine, verified patient reviews and publishes them to your branded booking page.

Patients are sent an email 24hrs after treatment inviting them to leave you a review.

They simply click a star rating and write a comment. They don’t need to log in to Google or Facebook, nor do they have to share their identity.

They are also sent a reminder 7 and 14 days after treatment, if they haven't left a review.

Glowday reviews are indexed by Google, with your star rating and number of reviews appearing alongside your booking page in Google search results.

Patient Records

As you’d expect from a patient management software, GlowdayPRO allows you to keep secure patient records - patient notes, before and after photos, file upload, treatment mapping, procedural information.

As much of the data your patient inputs into the platform is sensitive health information, we take all necessary steps to ensure that data is kept safe.

Patient data is encrypted whilst in transit, and at rest, where is it anonymised and stored securely in Microsoft cloud servers.

GlowdayPRO also require you to lock the platform with a PIN when your device is in your patients hands, preventing patients stumbling upon the personal and sensitive information of others.

Patient Portal

This secure patient account also allows patients to confirm appointments, view previous and upcoming appointments, cancel, reschedule, complete and submit their forms.

This puts patients in control of their data and saves you having to do low value admin work like checking appointment times, booking patients in and rescheduling.


You’re able to take cardless payments directly through the GlowdayPRO platform, from the card the patient used to confirm the appointment.

You can also take card, ApplePay and GooglePay payments using the GlowdayPAY card reader and app.

Of course, you can take cash or bank transfers too.

These payments are all logged in the system, making end of year accounting easier!

You’re also protected from late cancel and no shows

Patients confirm their appointments with their card details, much like when you book a hotel. No money is taken at point of booking, but it does allow you get paid if a patient cancels late or no shows.

This removes the need to take a deposit when patients book in.

GlowdayPRO also automates text and email reminders, sending timely prompts to your patients regarding their upcoming appointments - at no extra cost.

When you use GlowdayPRO you get the option to be listed on is the UK’s biggest aesthetics website, attracting around 75,000 visitors each month, who are researching treatments and practitioners.

Your branded profile appears on for patients to discover you and the treatments you offer.


Practitioners get a 30 day free trial, which gives them access to all the platform features and support.

After this, the amount paid depends on the number of active patients - patients who have had, and paid for, treatments.

0-10 active patients £10/month

11 - 100 active patients £24/month

>100 active patients £39/month 

These prices are inclusive of text messages - so you don’t have to top up text message bundles.




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