Who Can Join Glowday?

Who can join Glowday?

Glowday is a place which gives normal, everyday people like me confidence, comfort, transparency and choice when finding an aesthetic practitioner.

Initially, we allowed doctors, nurses and dentists to join, but have more recently opened up Glowday to Prescribing Pharmacists with a Level 7 Aesthetics qualification. A controversial decision for some, but one we are confident is right and fair.

Without any regulation to guide us, we have identified six criteria, which practitioners, regardless of their profession have to meet in order to join Glowday. These criteria have been determined with the help and guidance of a number of experts in aesthetics, from experienced practitioners and training providers to those who run and organise accredited registers. We have not just happened upon these criteria, they have been thoroughly thought through and extensively discussed.

The Glowday joining criteria

Each professional on Glowday

  • has significant experience treating patients, and a sound understanding of the patient journey

  • is registered with a stringent, specific, professional statutory body, to whom they are ultimately accountable (GMC, NMC, GDC, GPhC)

  • is insured by a reputable insurance provider

  • is a prescriber, or, if a non-prescribing nurse, provides details of their prescriber

  • is recognised by product and device manufacturers as eligible for their training

  • has undergone training in the aesthetics procedures they offer

We believe this allows us to create a marketplace which gives consumers confidence, comfort, transparency and choice.

Click on the image to expand

You are a bit like a regulatory body then?

No. We are not a regulatory body, not least because there are no regulatory bodies in aesthetics!

There are accredited registers, like the JCCP and Save Face. But we aren’t one of them either.

Accredited registers, by their very nature, are there purely for the consumer. So, whilst we share much of the criteria needed to be met to join other directories and non-statutory registers, we do not wish to pursue becoming an accredited register, as becoming one would jeopardise our ability to act commercially, or in the interests of practitioners.

You’re not an accredited register, so why don’t you just allow all aesthetic practitioners to join Glowday?

Commercially, this would be the easiest and most lucrative option. But, ethically and morally it just doesn’t work for us.

We want to provide clients with confidence, comfort, transparency and choice when finding an aesthetic practitioner and we believe the best way to do this is to have joining criteria that are not profession specific, but ensure those that all practitioners on Glowday are appropriately qualified, trained, checked and insured.

Click on the image to expand

But not all practitioners are trained in the same way?

We know this. And it’s a failing within the wider industry. A failing that we are unable to fix by ourselves.

However, we believe strongly in market forces. If you are a great practitioner, who provides exceptional care and have great reviews written about you, you and your clinic look lovely and inviting, your before and after photos showcase your work beautifully, you will be picked by new clients. And vice versa.

Additionally, there will be a flow of information from Glowday to the GMC, NMC, GDC and GPhC if we identify competency and safety concerns. It is not in our interests as a company to risk reputational damage with consumers.

We can remove a Glowday profile from our platform literally at the touch of a button. In fact, we have already suspended a number of accounts of practitioners who failed to provide prescriber details or failed to renew their GMC/GMC registration. Client safety is paramount!

What about the other health care professionals?

We understand that this is a source of annoyance to health care professionals working in aesthetics, who do not fall into these categories. And, they likely have very good arguments to persuade us why their profession is just as qualified, but at the moment, whilst there is a total lack of regulation, we have to have a line in the sand that best protects us and our customers. The ultimate hard stop is membership of a specific, professional statutory body.

That’s not to say that we don’t want to hear your case. We want to be challenged about the decisions we make. We want to ensure that we are not complacent. We know we won’t get it right all of the time.

Fancy seeing the amazing benefits of Glowday for yourself? Find out more here or contact our clinic onboarding superstar Leigh on leigh.gardner@glowday.com or 07376047260


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