Does Your Current Booking System Do This?

What are you using to book your patients in for treatments and to manage your time? Perhaps you stick to your smart phone, maybe you’re old school and like a paper diary. If you’ve embraced technology and you are already use a booking system from an external provider such Pabau, iCLINCIAN, Phorest, Fresha, Booksy, ANS or Faces, that’s great, you’re closer to giving your patients what they actually want. However, you’re still not quite giving them everything they need plus you’re definitely not getting as much bang for your buck as you could be

Are You Keeping The Right Company?

GlowdayPRO is the first diary and patient management system created specifically for medical aesthetic practitioners. This means it’s tailored to you and your patients’ exact requirements. Your industry is unique, with very specific needs and GlowdayPRO is the first system that’s been built in collaboration with medical aesthetic professionals to meet those needs. GlowdayPRO isn’t for all salons, it isn’t for generic clinics, it isn’t just for one profession, it’s not available to non-meds. It’s purely for medically-qualified aesthetic practitioners.

It’s important for your reputation you work with external providers who support and enhance your values and morals and you won’t find a better fit that you do with GlowdayPRO.

So what does the GlowdayPRO diary do?

Flexible scheduling

I mean, the basic requirement is that you’re able to manage your time and appointments, right? So naturally, as you would expect from a diary, it does that! It goes without saying you can set your hours, overlap appointments, set review appointments, receive online bookings and use your diary on every device - phone, laptop, iPad, with a single log in.

Automated Appointment Reminders

We send your patients a reminder about their appointment via text and email. If they need to change it they can pop into their patient portal, no need to message you! Thanks to this feature practitioners see fewer no-shows!

Free online bookings 

You can give your patients a link to book in with you, directly. They view your availability on your diary and they make their appointment. We send them a confirmation. We let you know via text that you have a new booking and it appears in your diary.

You can embed this link on your social media, on your website and in your emails you send to patients. You can give this link to your old patients and tell them to use it for future bookings (no commission is payable).

Patients don’t want to message you, they don’t want to phone you to make an appointment, they don’t want to DM on Instagram and wait for a reply. When they’re ready, they’re ready.

No show & late cancel protection

When a patient books an appointment in your diary, they are informed of your late cancellation and no-show policy. It’s up to you what this is, a percentage of the treatment or a fixed fee. As we capture the card details of patients, we automatically collect this for you if they don’t show up. No awkward chats!

Automated Verified Review Collection

Okay, so here’s the golden one. Using the GlowdayPRO diary for your bookings provides you with a system that asks every patient who completes a treatment to leave you a review. Review requests are sent 24hrs after treatment to your patients, with a reminder sent 5 days later. We have around a 43% conversion rate from requests to reviews appearing on your Glowday profile. The industry average is 8%

Those reviews are automatically populated to your profile on and they’re also recognised by Google who uses them in its search results too. Win win!

Patient Account Area

GlowdayPRO is the only aesthetic clinic diary to link to a secure patient account area, allowing patients to easily manage their appointments, rebook and complete their questionnaires and forms without needing to message you. The forms are automatically provided to them, when they book in the diary, via their safe and secure patient portal (no emailing, no possible data breeches!) and completed digitally. You’re able to review them in real-time from wherever you are.

New Patients

Our killer move! Name me another system that introduces you to new patients simply by using it?

Confused? Let me explain.

Using your diary gives GlowdayPRO the ability to request reviews from your patients. If you don’t use your diary, we have no way of asking your patients for their reviews.

The reviews you receive are featured on your Glowday profile. Glowday is visited by over 80,000 people every week who are seeking new practitioners and treatments to try. The more reviews you have, the further up you appear on the search results. The further up you appear, the more likely you are to be booked by potential new patients!*

It’s a clever, nifty and beautiful ecosystem! We like to think we’re giving you a little something back for using GlowdayPRO, which is the ability to grow your business and that, my friend, is definitely more bang for your buck!

Convinced yet? Start your free trial here!

*new patients who find you via Glowday are subject to a one-off 30% commission fee.


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