Treatment Plans - Better for Business, Better for Patients

Treatment plans allow you take an holistic approach to your patients concerns and recommend particular treatments at a regular cadence. They are better for your business AND better for your patients.

The concept of treatment plans can be introduced carefully during a full, detailed consultation, discussing various options for the concerns your patient has presented, educating them about the benefits and risks associated with the different options to reach the desired, agreed aesthetic outcome.


This approach has a number of benefits:

  1. It demonstrates that you are knowledgable - you have a range of “tools” available and are educating them as to the options they have available to address their concerns.

  2. It demonstrates that you are patient-centric - that you have the interests and wellbeing of your patient at the centre of what you do - you’re including them in the decision. You’re not just advising they have the most expensive treatment or the one they think they need.

  3. It introduces the idea that aesthetic treatments are not one-and-done. To get the best outcomes, a multi-modal approach, over numerous appointments is ideal.

  4. It’s a collaborative approach that deepens the trust and confidence they have in you.

By embracing the concept of treatment plans, courses of treatments and combination treatments rather than standalone treatments you can articulate and document the recommended treatments, cadence and cost across a period of time, rather than simply delivering a single treatment.

The Language you use is Critical

By adapting the language you use during your consultation, you will be able to solidify the concept that the best aesthetic outcomes are where multiple treatment modalities are used consistently, over a period of time.

Choosing language that is authoritative, certain and clearly articulates the benefits of a particular treatment plan builds trust and gives your patients confidence in your advice and expertise.

Vague, timid and uncertain language erodes a patients confidence in your recommendations.

By being considered and purposeful in the language you use when recommending the best course of action to address the concerns you patient has presented with, you can not only manage expectations, but you also lay the groundworks for subsequent appointments and remove the notion that aesthetic treatments are a one-and-done thing.

GlowdayPRO has been built with the medical model of practice in mind, allowing you to conduct and document a detailed consultation, recommend treatments and share your recommendations with your patients automatically.

Here’s how to set Treatment Plans using GlowdayPRO


How does GlowdayPRO work?


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