Is Your Patient Management System Safe?

As someone who buys things and provides your details to businesses, you’ll be aware that the use of personal data is strictly governed by law. You wouldn’t want a company to use your data without your permission, sell it to someone else without you knowing or allow it to be exposed to hackers and data miners, would you?

General Data Protection Legislation, GDPR governs the way in which we can use, process, and store personal data (information about an identifiable, living person).

You are privy to a lot of patients’ personal data and it’s down to you to ensure it’s kept, stored and processed safely and securely. It’s your responsibility to protect your patients’ information.

Email Is Risky

If you’re using email or even text messages, to send and receive patients’ medical forms and to request information you’re at risk of exposure to data breeches, if you’re still storing your patient’s records in a filing cabinet, you are also risking breaking GDPR legislation.

How easy is it for your patients to view other people’s information? When you hand the iPad for a patient to sign a form, are you confident they can’t have a look around what else is there while you’re not looking? Do other patient’s details auto-populate in the information fields ? Have you ever checked?…

Protect Yourself With GlowdayPRO

GlowdayPRO’s patient management system is modern and smart. More importantly it’s safe and secure and protects you and your patients.


  1. A patient’s record (medical history, treatment history, Body Dysmorphic Disorder questionnaire, consent forms and any other relevant forms) are held with a patient’s own digital account area, which they access via their own login. They are in control of their own data, which you have access to.

  2. GlowdayPRO does not have access to log-in credentials.

  3. Patient records can only be edited via the patient’s area, or the practitioner’s device.

  4. When a patient is using a practitioner’s device, all other patient daya is restricted. The patient can not have a ‘nose’ at any other files or forms.

  5. All patient records are stored encrypted (if you really want to know the technology that does this it’s FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Validated HSMs) and we always use SSL (a standard security technology) to ensure all information transmitted via GlowdayPRO is encrypted and protected in transit between you and are servers.

  6. Practitioners can view records of patients who have had consultations/treatments with them for a period of 10 years from the treatment date.

  7. Patients can request that their records are removed from Glowday servers at any point resulting in the deletion of records held by us. Practitioners will retain the records as per the point above.

To get going with your free GlowdayPRO trial, where you can also benefit from online booking, appointment reminders for your patients, protection from late cancellations and no-shows and the easiest facial-mark-up you’ve ever used, head here.


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Do I Need To Be CQC Registered?