FIVE ways to Boost Your Clinic Bookings

There are TONS of “experts” offering “guaranteed” bookings…if only you pay them ££££ each month for them to run click-baity ads that erode your brand reputation, attract price-conscious clinic-hoppers and over time, mean you’re hooked on paying out thousands to maintain clinic footfall.

But it doesn’t need to be that way.

You can stay true to your ethos and values, whilst building a sustainable business, with strong foundations and no reliance on paid marketing. Trust me.

Here are FIVE ways to boost your clinic bookings, whilst also building your brand and keeping your outgoings lean.

Fundamentally, in an industry where competition is intense, but quality is varied, one of the main aims of your marketing is to demonstrate that you are:

  • likeable

  • trustworthy

  • safe

  • legit

  • deliver great outcomes

You may know these things about yourself, but potential patients don't unless YOU SHOW and TELL them.

Here are five easy ways you can boost your bookings by optimising and merchandising your Glowday booking page appropriately.


Opinions of your brand and reputation are formed in the many interactions people have with your business online before they even meet you.

Potential patients will instantly be able to determine whether you’re approachable, friendly, kind, caring. Without photos, you’re anonymous. With poor quality photos, you’re not presenting yourself or your brand in a professional way. It's obvious.

This makes professional photography one of the best investments you can make in your business.

Remember, your photographs can be used across your website, your Google Business Profile, your email signature, your social media and printed marketing materials.

Investing a few hundred pounds in professional photography will deliver a greater ROI on your business than that e-masterclass you're thinking about purchasing...TRUST ME!


Knowing your name and your profession and being able to put a name to a face makes you instantly more trustworthy.

A face, a name, a profession.

People know what to Google when they’re researching you. People will innately trust you more by knowing that your profession.


In your written content, when you show up on socials, in your bio, on your website, in your captions.

Write online like you speak in clinic and in “real life”.

Why? Because this is your brand voice.

You know when you read a text message from a friend, how often, in your head, do you read it in their voice and accent? Well, if you’ve shown up as you, authentically, your patients and potential patients become familiar with you. Familiarity breeds trust. And trust is the fundamental factor when people choose practitioners.

People instantly know, when they read anything you’ve written, whether a) if feels authentic b) they like you c) you’re trustworthy.

Being authentic visually, verbally and in written content allows the right people to resonate with you and book in.


Before and after photos are an exceptionally important tool for patients when deciding if a practitioner is "the one" for them.

Alongside reviews, 97% of women deem before and afters "important" or "very important" when choosing a practitioner.

Get great at taking good, consistent before and afters. Curate your best ones on your socials, website and Glowday booking page.

Have a bank of photos that you’re able to repurpose and recycle regularly on social media. Remember that the lifespan of a social post is about 72 hours. Reuse, repurpose and recycle your posts!

And remember to add your before and after photos to your Glowday booking page. Here’s how you do that.


Lots of high quality, recent, rave reviews are the perfect way to demonstrate that you delight your patients, are a safe and ethical practitioner and that you're trustworthy.

The more reviews you have, the more people trust you. Because there's indisputable evidence that lots of others have trusted you.

If you want aesthetics software that automatically markets your business for you, we’re offering an extended 60 day FREE GlowdayPRO trial to practitioners who sign up in December.

If you’re considering training in aesthetics, are a new practitioner, or a couple of years in and struggling to grow your business, From None to 100 is a complete guide to starting and scaling your aesthetics business.


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