GlowdayPRO Blog

Business advice, marketing tips and news for aesthetics practitioners.

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Aesthetic Business Hannah Russell Aesthetic Business Hannah Russell

5 things you NEED to do BEFORE you market your AESTHETICS BUSINESS - PART 4

Many practitioners start their businesses with their phone calendar, WhatsApp, bank transfers and pen and paper forms. Whilst it’s a good idea to keep things lean when you start up any business, there are fundamental things that are needed to succeed - processes, systems and automations being crucial.

Understanding your patient journey and putting into place necessary automations BEFORE you begin to market your aesthetics business is an important step that will allow you to focus on marketing your business, rather than spending your time on low value admin tasks that could easily be automated.

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Aesthetic Business Hannah Russell Aesthetic Business Hannah Russell

5 things you NEED to do BEFORE you market your AESTHETICS BUSINESS - PART 3

Many practitioners set their prices by looking at what their nearest competitors are charging…but this is ALL WRONG!

Understanding your costs BEFORE you begin to market your aesthetics business is a critical, but often missed, step to building a successful aesthetics business. Read on for how to figure out your costs to inform your pricing.

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Hannah Russell Hannah Russell

Is Premium Pricing right for your aesthetics business?

The idea behind premium pricing is to cultivate a sense of your products or services being better than the rest in the market.  What “better than” means depends on your ideal patients. This helps you to maximise your revenue with a client base for whom price is not the most important factor when choosing a practitioner.

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Hannah Russell Hannah Russell

How much should I charge?

Setting your prices is HARD. Knowing when to increase your prices is HARD.

Read on to figure out how to price your services? And when to put your prices up…plus a handy calculator to help you!

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