I’m On Your Side.

You have people trying to sell you stuff all the time. Whether it’s a training course, a new piece of equipment, the next line of medical skincare, the latest dermal filler product or a marketing course, there’s always someone hoping you’ll choose their product to buy.

I won’t insult you by insinuating I’m not one of those people. Of course I hope you’ll choose GlowdayPRO to help you manage and grow your aesthetics business.

What I want you to know, however, is that GlowdayPRO is more than just a business to me and I’m not just a saleswoman with targets to hit. I’m not someone from the aesthetics world who has seen an opportunity to make money nor is GlowdayPRO affiliated to any global conglomerate. I’m a former science teacher and Mum of two who started having aesthetics treatments and spotted a problem.

For me, there is a true and honest purpose to what we’re doing that goes beyond financial success. I want to make a difference to the medical aesthetics industry and, ultimately, do my bit to help keep other women safe.

The Truth?

What you see today, the full end-to-end patient management system that is GlowdayPRO, is more than I imagined it would be five years ago.

My journey began as a patient who wanted Botox. It was a minefield. Who was good near me? Who was safe? Who could I trust not to screw up my face?!

Once I had found someone, booking was an utter faff. I spent a couple of evenings going back and forth over text messages with the nurse and finding a date we could both do. We got there in the end but it was longwinded and the nurse spent her whole evening answering my questions.

This was the lightbulb moment. There needed to be a website where I could find safe aesthetic practitioners near me that allowed me to view their diary and book in myself. A website that answered my questions, showed me other patients’ results and gave me honest reviews from real people.

The Evolution Of Glowday

So that’s what I, alongside an incredible team, built and we’re very proud that Glowday is now the UK’s biggest aesthetics website attracting more visitors than anything else out there! It will continue to grow and I’m confident that’s it’s serving a higher purpose by protecting consumers from cowboy practitioners.

As Glowday has grown so has my love and passion for your industry. I’m now obsessed with what you do and how we can make it better for you and for all patients.

I talk a lot to practitioners and I recognised that while Glowday is doing its little bit to keep consumers safe and attracting new patients for you, you needed more and you were being severely underserved.

The current patient management systems aren’t cutting the mustard. Sure they keep a record of a patient’s treatments, but that’s about it. They’re clunky, still manual (emailing out forms still?) and lock away a lot of rich assets that can be utilised in really useful ways.

So we have evolved to become GlowdayPRO. The product and service you see today. You don’t just need new patients, you need a reliable, efficient and easy-to-use software system to manage all of your patients.

It Does It All

GlowdayPRO does it all. It really does! You don’t need any other software or system now.

Patients old and new can be booked in your GlowdayPRO diary, they’ll all get automatic reminders, they’ll all be sent the relevant treatment forms to their safe and secure patient portal and you’ll have all of those completed before they even arrive for a treatment.

Patients supply their payment card details when they book, protecting you from late cancellations and no-shows, or you can use the GlowdayPAY terminal for those patients who don’t like putting their card details on the internet!

GlowdayPRO has the easiest facial mark-up tool EVER and will house all of the details, notes and forms from a treatment, safely and securely.

And the cherry on the cake is that after the appointment, we request a review from the patients which is then automatically populated to your Glowday profile, along with any before and after photos, to help you attract new patients.

For You

And it’s FOR YOU.  It’s for you as a solo nurse practitioner, it’s for you as a doctor who does aesthetics two days a week, it’s for you as a pharmacist who is ignored by other software providers. It's for you as a dentist who isn’t working in a big chain.

GlowdayPRO is only for medically-qualified aesthetics practitioners and we are a team of people who love what you do and feel really passionate about your industry. We want to help you, support you, champion you and celebrate your work. 

Making A Difference

I want to make a real difference to this industry. I want to empower you and arm you with the tools you need. If GlowdayPRO can support you to become more efficient, save time and offer your patients a superior service, you’ll be able to focus more on your personal growth, your treatments and building your business.

This means you’ll be able to help even more patients and even more consumers will be saved from inexperienced, badly trained non-medics offering cheap, dodgy treatments. The credibility of what you do will be enhanced and the stigma and misconceptions about aesthetics treatments will dwindle and the medical aesthetics industry will thrive!

And that would be a really brilliant result.

Hannah Russell

Founder of Glowday, mum to Daisy and William, wife to Joby, ex-Science teacher and, in her mid 30's became an aesthetics enthusiast. Hannah had the idea for Glowday when she returned to the UK after a stint in Australia and wanted to find a great, local aesthetics practitioner. Champion of all things "woman", Hannah writes about anything that has a basis in science, treatment. guides and educational pieces relating to the industry.


Introducing The GlowdayPRO Patient Portal!


Let it go! Let it gooooo!