Let it go! Let it gooooo!

You’ve busted your gut to get your aesthetics business up and running. It’s deeply important to you. You know every detail of your ‘baby’, you leave no stone unturned and feel an enormous sense of responsibility and ownership. You probably struggle to switch off, take a day off and when you do go on holiday you don’t fully relax and still spend time emailing suppliers and messaging patients.

The Control Is Deep

Relinquishing control of aspects of your business is very hard. You’re used to doing everything yourself and you like it done your way. You’re a perfectionist and by virtue of the fact you’re someone who has created and established your own business, you’re someone who is obsessed with the detail and micromanaging every aspect of how it runs.


Stop running yourself into the ground. Stop trying to do it all. Focus on the parts of your business that add most value, because all that’s happening is you’re spending so much time on the admin surrounding your aesthetics clinic you’re not focussing on pushing your business forward. You’re probably feeling stressed but it’s not because of the treatments you do, but the lack of time you have and admin you need to do. You’re probably feel anxious as you don’t have time to improve your website, engage on social media and look at new business opportunities and training.

You’re being strangled by faff and admin.

How Do I Let Go?

In a nutshell, by automating as much you can.

If you’re still personally booking in patients, using your phone’s diary, pen or paper, taking bookings over social media, spending your evenings emailing out medical questionnaires and consent forms, sending your bank details for bank transfers and messaging patients after a treatment to grab a review, you are exerting a lot of unnecessary energy and wasting a hell of a lot of time.

An automated workflow where patients can self-serve will save you time and money and close down some of those mental tabs, enabling you to focus on actually growing your business and providing incredible treatments. Use a system (and yes, obvs, we’d love you to use GlowdayPRO) where patients book in your diary themselves, where forms are automatically sent to patients before an appointment, where payment is processed with the click of a button, where reviews are requested and collected for you and where your notes, consent forms and any related relevant information is kept digitally, securely and safely for you.

Will My Patients Be Put Off?

Your patients want one thing. The very best aesthetics treatments. They want to feel something different about themselves after they’ve been treated by you. They want to feel, when they’re in your clinic, that they are the centre of your world and you have endless time to dedicate to their face.

You might feel concerned that automating your admin somehow depersonalises your service. On the contrary, it professionalises what you do. It gives you the edge. It enhances your reputation of being a business that’s easy and quick to deal with. If anything patients will be impressed that an appointment with you is slick, streamlined, smooth and well organised.

Patients don’t want to faff about either. They want to be able to book themselves in, they don’t want to spend their evenings messaging you to find a date and time. They don’t want to call you to reschedule. They want to see what appointments they have coming up in their own account area. They want to be able to pay online and not dilly-dally around after their appointment.

Try It. You Might Like It.

We say it a lot because it’s true - there is no progress without change. We’ll leave you with the wise words of independent nurse prescriber, Emma, founder of The Babbington Clinic, who sums it up perfectly:

”Letting go was hard, but waking up to bookings was easier. I hadn’t realised how much time and effort had been spent playing message tennis with clients. Eventually my clients will also recognise that this isn’t the end to my personalised process, by my way to sustain it.”

Head here to get going with GlowdayPRO - it’s time to let go!


I’m On Your Side.


Aesthetics Doctor Suspended For Failure To Consent