Do you chase treatments or nurture profitable patients?
Do you know your LTV from your CAC? Do you know who your most profitable patients are? Or do you know how many toxin treatments you need to break even?
One of the mistakes practitioners make is that they think of revenue and profits on a per treatment basis, rather than on a per patient basis. This leads them to chase individual treatments rather than nurture patients.
1 patient like me / year generates around £1500 in revenue, and over time, this will likely increase because a) people age, and those who are interested in aesthetic treatments want to age as well as possible b) your returning patients trust you implicitly to guide and advise them on the treatments that will address the concerns they have.
Attracting and retaining just 50 patients like me equates to £73,000 in revenue.
Of course, there will be patients who have more expensive treatment plans and there will be those who have one single lip filler treatment per year. But it’s important to not only think about your margins on a per treatment basis, but to determine the annual and lifetime value of particular patient personas to your business.
“Spend time identifying, nurturing and retaining the types of patients who are most beneficial for your business.”
These patients not only trust you will keep them safe, but also trust that you will help them get the best outcomes, so are more than happy to be guided by you.
Once you’ve identified these patients, nurture them. Segment them in email newsletters, provide them with loyalty cards, wish them Happy Birthday…make them feel as valuable as they are.
It’s these valuable patients who will create the backbone of your business. They provide a great foundation for a profitable aesthetics business, often become vocal advocates, whilst you help them feel amazing - it’s a win win situation!