GlowdayPRO Blog
Business advice, marketing tips and news for aesthetics practitioners.
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How to spot red flag patients and what to do about them
The pain in the arse patient - PITAP.
You all know them. The high maintenance ones. They might be rude, they might be aggressive, they may be condescending - they might simply just be very unkind. They might decide that they don’t have to adhere to your processes. They might push back against following your booking protocols. They may grumble about needing to fill out forms. They might be one of those who thinks the world revolves around them, or unreasonably demanding because they’re ‘THE PATIENT’ after all. Whatever it is, when you’re in the NHS you don’t have much choice but to hold your tongue, take a deep breath and do your best.
But when you’re an aesthetics practitioner, you can choose who you treat.
10 Tips For Starting Your Own Aesthetics Business
Thinking of starting your own aesthetics business? Read our top ten tips to get you off the ground!
5 Automations Aesthetic Practitioners NEED!
Any task that you have done half a dozen times, and need to do half a dozen more probably needs automating!
Automating repetitive tasks saves you time, improves efficiency, increases your margins and allows you to actually focus on your business.
How To Handle Imposter Syndrome
That uncertainty you feel? The worry? The fear? Every new aesthetics practitioner (and the older ones) feel it too.
Beware Of The Botox Bandits!
Are you at risk of being stung by an ever-growing group of aesthetic treatments scammers? Find out how to protect yourself and your business.
Am I Your Dream Patient?
How do you find your ideal patients? Do you have much choice? Why do you need to care? Find out in this article.
Do I Need To Be CQC Registered?
Find out if you need to register your aesthetics clinic with the health inspectors in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Introducing The GlowdayPRO Patient Portal!
Learn why GlowdayPRO is giving patients a first in the medical aesthetics world!
Let it go! Let it gooooo!
Why are you stressing out about admin, getting back to patients and sending out forms? You don’t have to.
There will be patients who don’t book an appointment with you because they’re worried about the cost. But is this really the problem?
VAT And Your Aesthetics Business.
It’s not all big lips and frozen foreheads running your aesthetics business, there’s serious (boring!) stuff like VAT to contend with. We spoke to a VAT expert to help you get to grips with what to do about it all.
20 Reasons Why People Should Choose You!
We give you 20 reasons that you can share with your patients explaining why they should choose you!
When Your Patients Become Customers
It can be difficult for medical professionals to transition from a healthcare setting caring for patients, to a business world charging charging customers. GlowdayPRO looks at some of the common challenges.