Top 5 Tips To Make The Most Of GlowdayPRO.

Getting to grips with a new piece of kit can feel overwhelming, we get it! If you’re someone who is only used to using pen and paper, the whole notion of using technology to manage your patients and clinic may feel daunting.

GlowdayPRO is pretty intuitive. You can’t really break it, so you have nothing to fear. Remember when you first got a mobile phone or changed from an android to Apple you felt as if you didn’t know what you were doing? But now it’s just second nature? It’s the same thing. You got comfortable with it because you just used it and clicked this, pressed that, opened a tab and cracked on. That’s really all you need to do with GlowdayPRO. Embrace it!

If you’re thinking of joining GlowdayPRO, here’s our top five tips to help you make the most of it:

  1. Have everything ready before you start to build your profile. Get your training certificates ready to upload, your proof of qualifications, your insurance docs and your medical pin number. Think about the treatments you want to add to your menu and what you want new patients to know about you.

  2. When you write your biography, let your personality and your authentic self shine through. You don’t have to be formal and stiff. Imagine you’re writing a profile for a dating site! Sure, tell people about your qualifications and competencies but also let them know more about you - your likes, your dislikes, your hobbies, your values and ethos. Tell them how you want to make the feel.

  3. Don’t use bad quality photos. People buy people. If you’re unable to take advantage of our Pro Photography package aim to take good quality photos on your phone (no blur, think about the background) that show you looking happy at least! Try to avoid repeating photos or just using a photo of your logo. New patients will scroll by you.

  4. If you’re nervous about using the system and don’t want to feel flappy and flustered with new patients, send your unique booking link to long-term patients or friends and family. Ask them to book an appointment using the link, which will give you an opportunity to use GlowdayPRO from start to finish with people who won’t mind if you’re faffing a bit! Drop your patients an email/tell them on social media that you’re using a new booking system and this is the way you’ll be managing appointments going forward. Explain why it’s great for them - they’ll get their own account area, appointment reminders, be able to view all of their treatment details, complete forms ahead of the appointment (saving time), move their own appointments and everything is done online - they don’t even need to bring their payment card to the clinic!

  5. Make sure you diary is kept up-to-date with your availability. Create a bit of hype about the limited slots you have (even if you don’t!) and advise patients they should book in soon so they don’t miss out! Using your diary really is the key to success. The more appointments that are managed through GlowdayPRO, the more reviews you get and the more new patients you’ll attract.


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