Why Before And After Photos Matter

We’re always rather surprised by the number of aesthetic practitioners’ social media profiles we see that don’t have before and after photos.

Some of you shy away from it, stating it’s ethically questionable or unprofessional, or that it somehow cheapens your profession. Others just forget to do it or don’t seek the consent from their patients.

New Patients Want To See Them!

Here’s the thing. You might be limiting your growth and success by not promoting your before and afters.

It’s like a dress shop selling dresses without ever showing anyone the dresses. How can new customers tell if they like you, if it’s what they want, if it’s a style they like?

In fact, in our own research, 97% of potential patients said reviews and before and after photos were important or especially important to them when choosing a practitioner.

Before and after photos may also help you in an unexpected way - by improving your performance on social media. How? If a follower or viewer likes a before and after they come across, they might physically ‘like’ it or comment on it. They might save it, send it to a friend or tag someone else in the photo to alert them to it. They may even share it. All of these actions are LOVED by the algorithm and you’ll be credited for producing great content.

Keep It Real

That all said we believe it’s impetrative that you take great care to ensure your photos are as accurate as possible. You’re not looking to trick people or give them false expectations. You should be giving them honest and authentic reflections of your work. Even if the difference is hard to see in photography, it is still worth using the image. They validate your work and provide reassurance.

Tips For Taking Good Before And After Photos

  • Set up a dedicated photo space in your clinic

  • Think about designing a backdrop with your branding in or make sure you use the same background every time

  • Use controlled lighting - the same lighting before and after

  • Use floor markers/tape to maintain consistent space between the patient and the camera (at least make sure it’s the same space in the before photo and the after photo)

  • Take at multiple angles and share multiple angles

Use GlowdayPRO To Show Them Off!

With GlowdayPRO you are provided with a consent form for photos and the software to upload them to your patient’s records.

Before a patient even attends the appointment they are asked if they give their consent for their photos to be used. If they’ve ticked ‘yes’ then the images you take can be uploaded easily and will then automatically appear in your Glowday profile, along with a brief description of the related treatment.

We’re able to track where consumers spend time on profiles and a significant amount of time is spent by people looking at before and after photos! The more before and after photos a profile has, the more new patients the practitioner will welcome!

Ready to get going with building your profile and showing off those gorgeous patients of yours? Sign up here for GlowdayPRO - we do it all.


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