The Only Way Is Up For Your Aesthetics Business!

There are worse businesses you could have chosen to set up in, that’s for sure!  The aesthetics industry isn’t even close to peaking in terms of demand and it’s already absolutely enormous. The opportunities are vast.

Market Predictions 

Globally, more than 14m nonsurgical procedures were conducted in 2020, even amid the pandemic, up from fewer than 13m two years earlier.

Analysts reckon that the global sales of non-invasive aesthetic treatments, currently around $60bn, could more than triple by 2030. A large part of that growth will come from injectables such as Botox and filler. 

The UK skincare market size alone is predicted to be worth £3.064 billion in 2022.

It has gained even more attention since the beginning of the pandemic, as consumers focused more on self-care. Namely, 30% of customers started using moisturiser more often in 2020.

The UK's cosmetic surgery industry is currently worth an estimated £3.6 billion. IMAGINE all of those billions of pounds that could fall into your hands! 

What’s Driving The Growth? 

It takes no genius to figure out that social media is playing its hand here. While treatments such as Botox and fillers used to be reserved for people hitting the big FOUR O(MG), the average non-surgical aesthetics customer is getting younger.

There’s a perfect storm of unrealistic expectations (thanks filters) a lot of self-analysis (cheers Zoom) a normalisation of treatments (not such a bad thing) and the proliferation of suppliers (good and bad). 

Generation Z make no apologies for looking after themselves. Holistic health is their thing. While the Gen X’rs and even Millennials might feel shy and indulgent with #selfcare, the Zoomers are all about themselves and supporting their mental health and how they feel. If their hollow eyes are bothering them, they’re sure as hell going to try and fix them. Their Mum, however, would research it for ten years to build up the confidence before doing anything about it. 

The Oldies Are Also Up For It

It’s not just the young ones loving injectables though. A recent study suggests that the crew straddling Gen X and Boomers -  that is women over 50 - are also embracing Botox and fillers more than ever.  Indeed one aesthetics doctor told GlowdayPRO that they’ve recently started targeting their marketing to men and women aged over 50, saying: “It’s such an untapped area of the industry and the results you can achieve are significant - you rarely see aesthetics pages showing this demographic.”

How Can You Attract These People?

The thought of trying to attract younger people may sit uncomfortably with you, it’s a moral maze. We’re certainly not advocating promoting ‘The Perfect Filter Face’ or the ‘KimK’ package. However, there is nothing wrong with tapping into Gen Z’s quest for optimum health - and that includes their skin.  Skincare is enjoying the same growth (if not more) than injectables.

  • Are there particular skincare programmes you can devise for women or men in their twenties?

  • Can you devise a payment plan/discount for younger people who tend to have less disposable income?

  • Can you become the ‘go to’ person in your area for typical skin concerns younger people face, such as acne scarring or hirsutism?

  • Could you partner with a local gym to offer ‘Self Care’ packages?

  • Could you host a Q&A evening in your clinic for 20-30 year olds to answer all things skincare and the role SPF plays!

Attracting these young patients now will stand you in good stead for when they are ready and suitable for more advanced aesthetics treatments, so the lifetime value of establishing a relationship with them now could be huge.

For the mature crowd

  • Can you offer treatments specifically designed for menopausal or post-menopausal skin? Promote this on your social media, contact your local newspaper and tell them about it

  • Could you offer to give a talk at your local tennis club/Women’s Institute on injectables and break down some of the misconceptions that may exist? (Many women in their fifties and sixties will be feeling sad about their thinning lips, for example. Can you show them that lip fillers are great for restoring what they always had and they won’t look fake?)

  • Could you promote ‘Fresh At 50/Sensational At 60’ packages where you create bespoke packages specifically for these ages

There opportunities are endless and there is a huge pool of people out there who want your help. You just need to make yourself visible and grab your own slice of that massive, juicy, delicious pie. 

For more information on how GlowdayPRO can help you attract new patients and run your aesthetics business, please head here.


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